
Donate list


Deployment Preparation Emergency

Sponsor Firefighters, EMS and community volunteer deployment to Israel

EVP has been given the task of recruiting and training 2000 firefighters, EMT professionals and community response volunteers. These volunteers will play a vital role...

Kim Taehoon

Koehler Tammy

Barton Trisha

I am a Red Cross volunteer (since 2005) and a Community Emergency Response Team volunteer (since 2009). I have been involved in many fire and flood events. I had training with the EVP in...


JSnowhite Jacob

Theule Ted

Cohen Steve

Hello from Miami, FL and ready to serve the State of Israel in times of crisis! I am a trained & certified Physician Assistant (PA-C) and MD with extensive surgical experience. I am a former...

Tepper Kenneth

Arra Teresa

Telligman Terrence

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American Friends of IEAF is a 501c3 charity in the USA and UK
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