By Simon Fischler

Being a supporter of Israel is not easy these days.

Writing in defense of my country often forces me to ask a couple of questions:

1. Why is it that we Israelis are forced to explain and defend our right to self-determination on an hourly basis?”

2. Why is Israel the only country in the world which inspires outsiders to continually question whether it has the right to even exist?

No one questions whether France has a right to exist as the “FRENCH” Republic.

Same goes for Iran and innumerable other nations.

Do Western peace activists demand that the Islamic Republic -- which is not even close to being a democracy -- disregard its Islamic revolution?

Not a chance!

When hundreds of thousands of Syrians challenge their dictatorial government to give them true freedom these so-called peace activists -- alleged advocates of liberalism, freedom and democracy -- do nothing to help.

There is no Syrian Apartheid week is there?

So why is the world so fixated on endlessly making unreasonable demands on the one and only democracy in the Middle-East, Israel?

Israel is a democracy, there is no doubt about that! Anyone who says otherwise is an anti-Semite, period!

It is a democracy that is far more democratic than Western Europe. Today in France one cannot practice their religion in public.

Could you imagine what would happen to Israel on the world stage if it dared to pass laws like that?

Israel is even more democratic than the self-proclaimed, beacon of democracy, America.

Israel has no Guantanamo Bay and it has done far more for its minorities than America ever has.
One should not forget that the Native Americans still live on reservations, Leftist American Activists should fix that problem before they come calling on Israel!

Just recently the Canadian leadership of the First Nation (Canada’s Native American representatives) visited Israel in solidarity with the Jewish State. The Native Americans of the United States have also joined with Israel in solidarity.

Why has Israel received this support from North America’s Native populations? Because they understand what it is like to be oppressed by a much larger, colonialist force.

Europeans and Americans do not, PERIOD!

Just as the Native Americans have face centuries of European Colonization, Israel’s too has faced centuries of European and Arab/Muslim imperialism.

Why must Israel spend its life battling for diplomatic and political life?

Friends tell me that even asking these questions is an exercise in frustration.

They insist that I am fighting a pointless battle.

As one pal puts it, “The world hates Jews -- and Israel because it is the Jewish State.”

He has a point. HAARETZ, Israel’s far left, self-hating newspaper is an amazing example of how we Jews can self-hate so much that it literally becomes anti-Semitic!

But there’s a big BUT that must follow such logic.

I fervently believe that we Israelis must CONTINUE fighting to clear Israel’s name; otherwise we will be doing it a grave disservice.

If we fail to reach out to the one or two out of ten listeners in the audience willing to hear our side then we have lost the battle.

I, for one, REFUSE TO LOSE!

It has become patently obvious that liberal, freedom-loving activists, who should by nature be Israel’s allies, are simply uninterested in seeing Israel in a positive light.

The condemnation that Israel receives on a daily basis is -- by any standard -- absurdly unfair, illogical and downright RACIST.

The fact that these supposed peace-minded, liberal activists dare call Israel an Apartheid state is an example of how far these hypocrites will go to blame the Jewish State for the aggressive, imperialist attitude of both the Palestinians and the Arab world.

How is it that these allegedly fair-minded people overlook the fact that Israeli Arabs have far more rights in Israeli democracy than African Americans have in America?

Or for that matter Arabs have in their own countries?

How can these people disregard the fact that the Israeli Knesset has thirteen Arab members, and six Druse members?

If they know this fact, how dare they call Israel an apartheid State? If they do not know this fact; then their ignorance and arrogance is still a form of RACISM and ANTI-SEMITISM?

Their standard verbal crutch is Israel’s so-called “occupation” of the West Bank.

Sorry, but the West Bank was there -- for the Arabs’ asking.

After Israel defeated the Arabs in several wars, she made offer after offer of the West Bank to the Palestinians attempting to reach permanent peace.

Bear in mind that never has a LOSING side in a war received such a generous offer to end a conflict.

No matter what your political preference, history shows that Israel offered from 93% to 97% of the West Bank (a colonial, European name for the ancient, archeologically historical names of Judea and Samaria) to the losing Arabs.

On top of this East Jerusalem and the Christian and Muslim Quarters of the Old City also were put on a peace platter for the Palestinians. All of the Gaza Strip was to be included too!

Only a racist, Jew-hater would say that this remarkably generous offer was unfair.

Tragically, the world is filled with those who wish to deny the Jewish Nation self-determination solely because it is a JEWISH state.

They wish to replace the only Middle Eastern country that has tirelessly worked for its minorities with one that would immediately tread on the rights of others.

They wish to deny a majority its rights for a minority.

They wish to deny the Jewish Nation State its right to exist on the land that was its birthplace.

The same land that was stolen from the Jews by European and Arab imperialists invaders.

In fact those who oppose Israel want to finish what the Ancient Greeks and Romans could not.

They wish for the historical destruction of the HEBREW/ISRAELITE/ and JEWISH NATIONS connection to their land, Israel.

Why do these people insist on denying my children their rights to freedom?

It is all rooted in an ancient hatred of Jews. We must continue to get this word out. We must not be afraid to call these people what they are, ANTI-SEMITES!

We cannot accept this status quo. And that explains why we must persuade those who might see the light why Israel is right and expose those who stand against for what they are RACISTS!

I believe that if you love freedom. If you love liberal values, than you must fight for Israel’s existence and demand that the world own up to its hatred of Jews.

If you truly, truly want peace than you must demand that the world hold the Arabs to account for its continuous (from the time of Mohammad) attempts at destroying the Jewish Nation and its historical rights to Israel.

Nothing, not middle-east peace should be at the expense of Israel, the Jewish State!



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